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Jani Johansén


“An outdoor enthusiast and a relic of free-heeling. Along the journey, I’ve been dubbed the Telemark Emperor.

When you’ve been skiing long enough, it becomes a form of self-expression. You want to develop your own expression in a way that represents who you are. I’ve been on the slopes since about 1981 and telemarking since 1993. Through this journey, I’ve managed to shed unnecessary edges that didn’t belong to me. Skiing has brought all the best things into my life. I’ve met the most important people and experienced the most unforgettable moments.

My skiing style aims to be playful. I admire the way many snowboarders see the mountain as a playground. Little jumps and slashes along the way. Using the whole body in turns is the essence of telemark skiing. In telemarking, you can do cutback turns on both sides of the snowboarder. In my opinion, there is no such thing as bad snow; my skiing adapts so I can derive the most joy from the conditions.

I’ve been a PUSU fan from day one. Before our collaboration began, my dream was to someday acquire these beautiful wooden skis. When the stars aligned, and I found the courage to speak up, I became part of the team. We had thought of each other. How beautiful.

For a skier, one of the greatest honors and achievements is to be able to design your preferred piece of skiing equipment. I’ve had the opportunity to do this with PUSU. Thus, my original dream of getting those beautiful wooden skis has come true, upgraded, and multiplied.

from 1349 €

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